Category: Uncategorized

Ignite Your Delight

Life is a lot of responsibility. Even things that sound like fun can feel like a part-time job.

You need to round up stuff and pack the car to go camping, then clean it up afterward.

You need to wade through communications to date and have yummy relationships. 

You need to organize life to live it more fully.

These efforts often come with a worthwhile pay off, but they require some slog.

That’s why it’s essential to include frivolity in the mix.

Today, I want you to consider adding a bit of casual fun into your month of May.

Blessed Beltane Reading

in honor of the upcoming Beltane, I share a free reading with you below.

Enjoy Beltane rituals yourself by mingling pleasure and spirituality.

Beltane in Celtic means ‘lucky fire’. So have a bonfire with friends or light a candle during a ritual to release what you no longer need.

Plant your garden, buy some flowers, or enjoy a walk in nature where you take in the blossoms with full delight. Perhaps even make some art from the nature.

Prepare for Spring with the pleasure of a personal tarot reading from someone who delights in the magick. 

Fun Guidance from An Octogenarian

My Mom turned 80 years old this last Tuesday.

Marianna has the zesty Aries personality of a character like Miss Piggy or Auntie Mame wrapped up in a German accent.

Her life is rich with wild stories.

So, in her honor, I wanted to impart some of her most common maxims.

Say No to Say a Better Yes

We all deserve to enjoy a ‘Heck Yes’ feeling regularly in life, and so many of us ‘should on ourselves’ in a way that defeats this potential.

For the past two years, I have been working at freeing myself of old codependent habits.

For me, these look like:

– Saying yes to showing up for others in ways I don’t feel impelled to do

- Feeling guilty for not doing enough for others, or not being productive enough

- Choosing other’s wants over my own needs

- Not asking for support or receiving other’s offerings

- Needing people around me to feel good before I can feel good

As a tarot reader, I see so many querents suffering from the same unhealthy cycles in these areas.

If this is you, you are not alone, and there are better ways to approach being a good person than giving your best energy away.

Total Eclipse Tips

On Monday at 11:25am PST, a total solar eclipse will pass over North America during a new moon in Aries.

Astrologically, this is a powerful time to set strong intentions as you ride the waves of unexpected changes (which can also be good things).

Free Ostara Tarot Reading

May spring feel like an awakening of your most enlivened spirit this year.

Enjoy the free reading below and then sign up for a personal tarot reading to go deeper into sorting through the month ahead.

Want to learn the cards yourself? Get a Tarot Reading Lesson with Jenna to learn to read more effectively for yourself and others.

Prefer to get centered in your own inner knowing? Intuition Coaching can help you build habits around listening to your own highest self on a daily basis! 

All of these are available at a 10% discount during Mercury Retrograde with the code RETRO2024

How to Help Life Suck Less

Scrolling through Reddit this week, I came across a post on r/ask simply titled, “Does Life Suck? Why / why not?”

People gave all variety of answers, from long pep talks to short, sullen statements to philosophical meanderings.

It got me thinking about how both are inherently true, life has lovely aspects and awful aspects, and we are all going to get a mix.

The real question is how to make life suck less.
It’s different for each of us, but here are some of my personal tried and true ways . . .

Train Your Brain for the Long Game

I am proud to share that this month, I accomplished a goal of a tarot lesson that combines movie archetypes and tarot.

It took me over 30 hours to create in many sessions where I had to choose to sit down and write, then edit, then prep tech tools and lights, then film, find clips, then edit, then edit, then edit some more.

When we stay vigilant on a long-term, self-motivated goal, it can be very disconcerting and even physically uncomfortable at first.

Over time, our brain gets the “real dopamine” of meaningful accomplishments, and final completion gives us a deeply satisfying continual flow.

Tarot reading for International Women’s Day

Tarot is a field that has a very female lineage. There are readers of all genders, but women have carried this art form through the centuries to modern day.

When I went to my first NW Tarot Symposium conference, I was surprised to find the unique culture that comes with this women-led industry.

There is a collaborative mindset of sharing our gifts and celebrating each other’s wins.

We support each other’s businesses.

We listen to other’s card interpretations with open minds and questions, even if we debate some concepts. 

Male readers are quite enthusiastic to enact these values as well. Truly secure men enjoy their feminine side as much as women can enjoy our healthy masculine side.

This community makes me proud to be a reader.

Drink from the Cup

The Cups Suit is about water. This element relates directly to the heart as a center of emotions and spirituality.

Water flows with gravity and finds it’s way to the ground. It’s incredibly powerful in this insistent path and cuts through rock to create canyons over time.

Our own hearts are the same element. Big feelings can be contained temporarily, but they will carve through to freedom, often becoming a churning eddy that bursts forth when time and circumstance set them loose.

In my experience, this ends up happening at inopportune times. I am so grateful for the stranger on the bus who held my hand while I openly wept. And all the others who were in the right place at the right time to nurture my tears unexpectedly.