Fun Guidance from An Octogenarian

My Mom turned 80 years old this last Tuesday.

Marianna has the zesty Aries personality of a character like Miss Piggy or Auntie Mame wrapped up in a German accent.

Her life is rich with wild stories. She grew up in poverty in postwar East Berlin where the border cut right through her backyard. As a kid, she hid in the summer trees and poured water on Russian soldiers as they walked under, just for a laugh.

At 20 years old, she moved to America without knowing English. Her first husband didn’t speak German, but, as she says, “Well, we were in lust”. It didn’t last long.

She raised a son as a single mom in the ’60’s and ’70’s, and as soon as she married her current husband, my dad, she became chronically ill for decades.

Through it all, she has kept her spirits high. So, in her honor, I wanted to impart some of her most common maxims.

Marianna’s Maxims

(Note: These are best read with a German accent and strong conviction.)

“I am a very lucky person”: This mentality is from a person who went through the above challenges and many more. She persistently focuses on the positive blessings through the trials of life.

“Be Classy, Babes”: She always follows this line with, “And by class, I don’t mean money“. Mom believes how you behave determines how much class you can claim.

“It is always darkest before the dawn”: This expression was a key mantra she repeated through years of chronic illness. We had magnets of it on the fridge. 

“Follow your heart”: Even if she doesn’t fully believe in it, Mom has continually voiced her support for my diving into my passion for divination. Sign up for a personal tarot reading to validate her. She loves being right, after all.

“I don’t give a S*** what you think”: Marianna is steadfast and stubborn in what she believes. She’s fierce in her convictions, (even when she is quite obviously wrong). This also is what she shouts as she runs naked into glacial lakes at the top of a mountain hike.

“I don’t care how smart you are if you don’t have common sense”: While Mom would say you’re just born with it, I suggest you develop this skill with an Intuition Coaching session.

“It feels good to help however you can”: Super generous with her community, Mom has gone above and beyond to help others, including rescuing some Romanian women from illegal labor practices they were trapped in. Again, lots of great stories.

“The world is fascinating! I always love learning”: She would agree you should get some lessons in the art of tarot reading with some tarot tutor sessions.

“There’s no such thing as overdressed”: An adamant bargain hunter, my mom loves being dressed up as much as any situation will allow.

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Live Vivaciously,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot