Blessed Beltane Reading

“It’s May, It’s May, the Lovely Month of Mayyyyy!”

I grew up watching the recorded stage production of Camelot, and I always get that song in my head at the transition to Beltane.

This holiday has been celebrated since well before the time of King Arthur’s fantasy 6th century AD era, and it’s very alive and well in community today.

My introduction to pagan parties was a fabulous fun adventure in the desert North of San Diego an age ago.

A fabulous young woman, Nikyta, and her wonderfully free spirited mom had a piece of land where they arranged different experiences with each element.

Air was up the hill to take in the view
Earth was an iron claw foot tub full of mud where naked people could cake themselves completely and dry off by the
Fire around the fire pit before they washed off with the
Water in the outdoor shower

I stayed up all night and watched the moon set as the sun rose at daybreak. It was my first time experiencing a party as a spiritual experience. I was hooked for life.

So, in honor of the upcoming Beltane, I share a free reading with you below.

Enjoy Beltane rituals yourself by mingling pleasure and spirituality.

Beltane in Celtic means ‘lucky fire’. So have a bonfire with friends or light a candle during a ritual to release what you no longer need.

Plant your garden, buy some flowers, or enjoy a walk in nature where you take in the blossoms with full delight. Perhaps even make some art from the nature.

Prepare for Spring with the pleasure of a personal tarot reading from someone who delights in the magick. 

Get a Tarot Reading Lesson to learn how to share this gift with others.

Then get into your own body, mind, and spirit with an Intuition Coaching session.

Blessed Beltane,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

Photo credit:

As we exit Mercury Retrograde, we are releasing some old and bringing in a fresh approach to that which we cannot control or change.

The Hanged Man asks us to surrender to our higher spirit. Focus on letting go and accepting things as they are.

Next to the 9 of Water, you get to use this acceptance to dive into gratitude and joy…
Let them be and go allow yourself to be better. Meditate on what enriches your own heart.

Then have fun doing what fills your cup on your own, and leave the curmudgeons to their own self-management for now.

The Father of Air in the foundation reminds us to come from a place of mental wisdom.
Don’t let the emotional drive your decisions right now. Use discernment and a bit of distance to get perspective on how to let yourself be your own best self in May.

4 of Water in this particular deck leans into comfort, compared to the traditional meaning of disappointment.

As an umbrella card over the reading, this speaks of releasing your frustrations at how others fail to enjoy the journey of life as fully as you would like. You do you this month ahead.

You can’t change others, so seek out more time with the people who relish taking pleasure in life with sacred appreciation for that which we can enjoy. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it can be very good.

Mingle fun with sacred this month. Let go of that which you cannot alter, and allow joy and pleasure to be placed on your altar.

Deck: New Era Elemements Tarot (Intense deck, look as all the cards before purchase)