Say No to Say a Better Yes

I couldn’t think of what to write today, and so I pulled 3 cards for direction.

10 of Cups

6 of Pentacles reversed

10 of Wands reversed

Immediately, I knew what to share about.

We all deserve to enjoy a ‘Heck Yes’ feeling regularly in life, and so many of us ‘should on ourselves’ in a way that defeats this potential.

For the past two years, I have been working at freeing myself of old codependent habits.

For me, these look like:

– Saying yes to showing up for others in ways I don’t feel impelled to do

- Feeling guilty for not doing enough for others, or not being productive enough

- Choosing other’s wants over my own needs

- Not asking for support or receiving other’s offerings

- Needing people around me to feel good before I can feel good

As a tarot reader, I see so many querents suffering from the same unhealthy cycles in these areas.

If this is you, you are not alone, and there are better ways to approach being a good person than giving your best energy away.

I have a deep well of tools to share in this area now. Today, I want to offer one primary system I have learned that may help you in your own journey.

I made up a system that I call the 3 P’s:

Pause - When asked for your time and energy, use the phrase, “Let me get back to you”

Ponder - Consider whether you want to give of yourself, and in what ways that would feel like a ‘Heck Yes’ in your body

Perform – Offer what level you can show up and then hold yourself firmly to that limit you have set

Keep in mind, this is awkward to start. People who are accustomed to you over-giving will be confused and possibly flustered.

At first, my own body became almost physically painful when I did this.

Over time, it’s become more at ease and even a joyous sensation.

I have learned that I need to give a lot of self-compassion to myself to feel good while taking care of my energetic boundaries.

Afterward, I try to reward myself with something that feels good to accomplish, perhaps that I might avoid doing by being ‘too busy’ in ways that are not serving my best goals. 

Please note, I still do a lot for my community. When I have choice, I simply do the things that feel like a ‘Yes’ in my body, mind, and spirit.

Many more tips and tricks are available when you sign up for a personal tarot reading as a navigation tool.

Want to learn the cards yourself so you can get quick answers in uncertain moments like I did today?
Get a Tarot Reading Lesson to learn how!

The tips here today are about the somatic body awareness that an Intuition Coaching session can directly train you to tune into.

All of these are available at a 10% discount during Mercury Retrograde with the code RETRO2024

Enjoy Your Full Yes,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

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