Remove the Monster From Tarot

Hello! Greetings! Salutations!

As a writer and English teacher, I love words and etymology. Once, I pondered the word “Demonstrate” and realized that it may have the word “Monster” in it. English is a mess of so many languages that my guesses are often wrong though. So I looked it up, and  . . . huzzaahh . . .

From de- “entirely” (see de-) + monstrare “to point out, show,” from monstrum “divine omen, wonder” (see monster)

To show the monster . . . to teach . . . just that these words are related is delightful. To have ‘divine omen and wonder’ included only uplevels my glee.

To de-monster-ate is the act of entirely taking the monster out of.

So much about Tarot is misunderstood. It is up to those of us who love it to demonstrate the truths of it.

If you know someone who has the wrong idea  around what Tarot is about, please share my most recent YouTube on What to Expect from a Tarot Reading with them.

If you want to look closer at the fears in your life to bring divine omen and wonder into any situation, contact me for a tarot reading or intuition coaching session.

I hope to see you soon!

Face Your Fears,
Jenna Lynne Roberts

Ignite Your Delight

Life is a lot of responsibility. Even things that sound like fun can feel like a part-time job.

You need to round up stuff and pack the car to go camping, then clean it up afterward.

You need to wade through communications to date and have yummy relationships. 

You need to organize life to live it more fully.

These efforts often come with a worthwhile pay off, but they require some slog.

That’s why it’s essential to include frivolity in the mix.

Today, I want you to consider adding a bit of casual fun into your month of May.

For me, I find that dancing just for dancing’s sake fills me up. I can even do it at home with a playlist I didn’t even have to make.

Last night, I skipped watching TV to play my ukelele. I am not good at it, I am not a skilled singer, and I belted some tunes out anyhow.

What lights you up that is lightweight effort?

In tarot, fire and spark is about desire, passion, and movement.

What body movement feels fun?

Something as simple as a walk around the block on your lunch break, perhaps with a fun co-worker or a neighbor.

What excites your soul with creative energy?

Watch your favorite musician perform on YouTube.

Learn about one cool artist online instead of scrolling through the superficial feed.

What inspires you? Go take a quick dip into it for no good reason but your own amusement.

For me, giving a personal tarot reading to someone who is seeking their own self-growth delights me.

Diving into archetypes and sharing this art with others in a Tarot Reading Lesson feeds my soul.

The sparkle that people get when they enhance their ability to listen to their own psychic gift thrills me during Intuition Coaching sessions.

I hope you’ll sign up for one of these opportunities today to further explore what keeps the mundane fascinating.

Enjoy What you Love,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

Photo by:

Blessed Beltane Reading

“It’s May, It’s May, the Lovely Month of Mayyyyy!”

I grew up watching the recorded stage production of Camelot, and I always get that song in my head at the transition to Beltane.

This holiday has been celebrated since well before the time of King Arthur’s fantasy 6th century AD era, and it’s very alive and well in community today.

My introduction to pagan parties was a fabulous fun adventure in the desert North of San Diego an age ago.

A fabulous young woman, Nikyta, and her wonderfully free spirited mom had a piece of land where they arranged different experiences with each element.

Air was up the hill to take in the view
Earth was an iron claw foot tub full of mud where naked people could cake themselves completely and dry off by the
Fire around the fire pit before they washed off with the
Water in the outdoor shower

I stayed up all night and watched the moon set as the sun rose at daybreak. It was my first time experiencing a party as a spiritual experience. I was hooked for life.

So, in honor of the upcoming Beltane, I share a free reading with you below.

Enjoy Beltane rituals yourself by mingling pleasure and spirituality.

Beltane in Celtic means ‘lucky fire’. So have a bonfire with friends or light a candle during a ritual to release what you no longer need.

Plant your garden, buy some flowers, or enjoy a walk in nature where you take in the blossoms with full delight. Perhaps even make some art from the nature.

Prepare for Spring with the pleasure of a personal tarot reading from someone who delights in the magick. 

Get a Tarot Reading Lesson to learn how to share this gift with others.

Then get into your own body, mind, and spirit with an Intuition Coaching session.

Blessed Beltane,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

Photo credit:

As we exit Mercury Retrograde, we are releasing some old and bringing in a fresh approach to that which we cannot control or change.

The Hanged Man asks us to surrender to our higher spirit. Focus on letting go and accepting things as they are.

Next to the 9 of Water, you get to use this acceptance to dive into gratitude and joy…
Let them be and go allow yourself to be better. Meditate on what enriches your own heart.

Then have fun doing what fills your cup on your own, and leave the curmudgeons to their own self-management for now.

The Father of Air in the foundation reminds us to come from a place of mental wisdom.
Don’t let the emotional drive your decisions right now. Use discernment and a bit of distance to get perspective on how to let yourself be your own best self in May.

4 of Water in this particular deck leans into comfort, compared to the traditional meaning of disappointment.

As an umbrella card over the reading, this speaks of releasing your frustrations at how others fail to enjoy the journey of life as fully as you would like. You do you this month ahead.

You can’t change others, so seek out more time with the people who relish taking pleasure in life with sacred appreciation for that which we can enjoy. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it can be very good.

Mingle fun with sacred this month. Let go of that which you cannot alter, and allow joy and pleasure to be placed on your altar.

Deck: New Era Elemements Tarot (Intense deck, look as all the cards before purchase)

Fun Guidance from An Octogenarian

My Mom turned 80 years old this last Tuesday.

Marianna has the zesty Aries personality of a character like Miss Piggy or Auntie Mame wrapped up in a German accent.

Her life is rich with wild stories. She grew up in poverty in postwar East Berlin where the border cut right through her backyard. As a kid, she hid in the summer trees and poured water on Russian soldiers as they walked under, just for a laugh.

At 20 years old, she moved to America without knowing English. Her first husband didn’t speak German, but, as she says, “Well, we were in lust”. It didn’t last long.

She raised a son as a single mom in the ’60’s and ’70’s, and as soon as she married her current husband, my dad, she became chronically ill for decades.

Through it all, she has kept her spirits high. So, in her honor, I wanted to impart some of her most common maxims.

Marianna’s Maxims

(Note: These are best read with a German accent and strong conviction.)

“I am a very lucky person”: This mentality is from a person who went through the above challenges and many more. She persistently focuses on the positive blessings through the trials of life.

“Be Classy, Babes”: She always follows this line with, “And by class, I don’t mean money“. Mom believes how you behave determines how much class you can claim.

“It is always darkest before the dawn”: This expression was a key mantra she repeated through years of chronic illness. We had magnets of it on the fridge. 

“Follow your heart”: Even if she doesn’t fully believe in it, Mom has continually voiced her support for my diving into my passion for divination. Sign up for a personal tarot reading to validate her. She loves being right, after all.

“I don’t give a S*** what you think”: Marianna is steadfast and stubborn in what she believes. She’s fierce in her convictions, (even when she is quite obviously wrong). This also is what she shouts as she runs naked into glacial lakes at the top of a mountain hike.

“I don’t care how smart you are if you don’t have common sense”: While Mom would say you’re just born with it, I suggest you develop this skill with an Intuition Coaching session.

“It feels good to help however you can”: Super generous with her community, Mom has gone above and beyond to help others, including rescuing some Romanian women from illegal labor practices they were trapped in. Again, lots of great stories.

“The world is fascinating! I always love learning”: She would agree you should get some lessons in the art of tarot reading with some tarot tutor sessions.

“There’s no such thing as overdressed”: An adamant bargain hunter, my mom loves being dressed up as much as any situation will allow.

Relish a deal like Marianna does by using the 10% discount during Mercury Retrograde! Available for one more week until April 25th with the code RETRO2024

Live Vivaciously,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

Say No to Say a Better Yes

I couldn’t think of what to write today, and so I pulled 3 cards for direction.

10 of Cups

6 of Pentacles reversed

10 of Wands reversed

Immediately, I knew what to share about.

We all deserve to enjoy a ‘Heck Yes’ feeling regularly in life, and so many of us ‘should on ourselves’ in a way that defeats this potential.

For the past two years, I have been working at freeing myself of old codependent habits.

For me, these look like:

– Saying yes to showing up for others in ways I don’t feel impelled to do

- Feeling guilty for not doing enough for others, or not being productive enough

- Choosing other’s wants over my own needs

- Not asking for support or receiving other’s offerings

- Needing people around me to feel good before I can feel good

As a tarot reader, I see so many querents suffering from the same unhealthy cycles in these areas.

If this is you, you are not alone, and there are better ways to approach being a good person than giving your best energy away.

I have a deep well of tools to share in this area now. Today, I want to offer one primary system I have learned that may help you in your own journey.

I made up a system that I call the 3 P’s:

Pause - When asked for your time and energy, use the phrase, “Let me get back to you”

Ponder - Consider whether you want to give of yourself, and in what ways that would feel like a ‘Heck Yes’ in your body

Perform – Offer what level you can show up and then hold yourself firmly to that limit you have set

Keep in mind, this is awkward to start. People who are accustomed to you over-giving will be confused and possibly flustered.

At first, my own body became almost physically painful when I did this.

Over time, it’s become more at ease and even a joyous sensation.

I have learned that I need to give a lot of self-compassion to myself to feel good while taking care of my energetic boundaries.

Afterward, I try to reward myself with something that feels good to accomplish, perhaps that I might avoid doing by being ‘too busy’ in ways that are not serving my best goals. 

Please note, I still do a lot for my community. When I have choice, I simply do the things that feel like a ‘Yes’ in my body, mind, and spirit.

Many more tips and tricks are available when you sign up for a personal tarot reading as a navigation tool.

Want to learn the cards yourself so you can get quick answers in uncertain moments like I did today?
Get a Tarot Reading Lesson to learn how!

The tips here today are about the somatic body awareness that an Intuition Coaching session can directly train you to tune into.

All of these are available at a 10% discount during Mercury Retrograde with the code RETRO2024

Enjoy Your Full Yes,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

Photo credit:

Total Eclipse Tips

On Monday at 11:25am PST, a total solar eclipse will pass over North America during a new moon in Aries.

Astrologically, this is a powerful time to set strong intentions as you ride the waves of unexpected changes (which can also be good things).

Aries is all about your will and making things happen. This combination is a powerful reset that let’s you start fresh.

That this is happening during Mercury Retrograde means that you don’t have to take immediate action. You want a slow and introspective calibration of your intentions. Don’t rush or react, breathe and get strategic.

Aries is also about courage. Time to do the things that scare us as individuals. What freaks you out? How can you create a real plan to finally write your book, go swing dancing, or learn tarot.

Here’s some more questions to ask yourself to make the most of this astro-opportunity:

What habits help you choose to respond instead of react to surprises?

How do you feel ready to step outside your comfort zone?

What new ideas have been brimming that it’s time to put to work proper?

What feels brave to you? How can you lean into courage around this?

How can you design a functional approach to accomplishing these goals?

Sail through eclipse season smoothly when you use a personal tarot reading as a navigation tool.

Want to learn the cards yourself? Get a Tarot Reading Lesson with Jenna to learn to align with your own symbolic knowledge.

Tune into inner knowing with Intuition Coaching to manage changes with your highest wisdom.

All of these are available at a 10% discount during Mercury Retrograde with the code RETRO2024

Shine Bright,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

Free Ostara Tarot Reading

Blessed Ostara!

May spring feel like an awakening of your most enlivened spirit this year.

Enjoy the free reading below and then sign up for a personal tarot reading to go deeper into sorting through the month ahead.

Want to learn the cards yourself? Get a Tarot Reading Lesson with Jenna to learn to read more effectively for yourself and others.

Prefer to get centered in your own inner knowing? Intuition Coaching can help you build habits around listening to your own highest self on a daily basis! 

All of these are available at a 10% discount during Mercury Retrograde with the code RETRO2024

Happy Spring,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

April Showers Bring Blossoms of Change

With Mercury Retrograde starting on April Fool’s Day, this upcoming month will be a time to realign with how we manage negotiations for our physical needs.

The 5 of Wands is about how we compete and hold our battles in life. It’s the only fire in the spread, and is a key in how we are burning our earthy pentacles around it.

How can we each keep a cozy fire going that serves community, rather than burn bridges in the name of ‘winning’?

Sitting next to it is the 4 of Pentacles, relating directly to our need for control and management of the physical realms.

The top two cards are asking us to be cautious of how we approach stories of “mine” and “yours”.

Imbalances in our earth, from chores to bank accounts, need to consider a new approach.

The 5 of Wands is also being held by the 2 of Pentacles. While it is healthy to be asking for our desires and even letting ourselves be in a competitive mindset, we will be more successful if we can be balanced in negotiations.

Decide on how you will approach any conversation about desired change from a practical place. Be sure everyone involved is well-fed and able to focus before discussions even start.

Enact these shifts with plans you can actually implement. Adjust your routine based on what’s sensible and realistic, rather than reaching for the stars this month.

Expect some level of compromise for each party involved. You can set forth with a planned outcome, but be adaptable to other’s needs and requests.

The 6 of Pentacles is the perfect card to support the 4 of Pentacles. Find balance with a healthy give and take. Some people need more support than others, but everyone needs to do their part in the ways that they can give.

Bring a story of generosity to overcome the greed and protectionism that each person involved in negotiations likely holds dear.

Overall: Don’t be afraid to ask for your needs this month, but consider how to approach these discussions with good timing and an open mind.

Sign up for a Full Tarot Reading with Jenna this month to get more guidance on managing conflicts gracefully and going for your goals with gusto.

Deck Playful Heart by Kitten Chops

How to Help Life Suck Less

Scrolling through Reddit this week, I came across a post on r/ask simply titled, Does Life Suck? Why / why not?

People gave all variety of answers, from long pep talks to short, sullen statements to philosophical meanderings.

It got me thinking about how both are inherently true, life has lovely aspects and awful aspects, and we are all going to get a mix.

The real question is how to make life suck less.
It’s different for each of us, but here are some of my personal tried and true ways . . .

My Personal Techniques to Help Life Suck Less:

– Turn off mindless TV one night and put on that weird, artsy film that your quirky friend told you about.

– Go to a museum, a play, a dance performance, or a gallery.

– Learn an instrument. I found the Ukelele to really help me through a depression.

– Learn an esoteric art with a Tarot Reading Lesson.

– Draw, paint, sculpt, cook. Pick one and stick to it long enough to see improvement.

– Dance everyday. Even just one song.

Explore with Curiosity

– Try new things. Go to the local international market and buy something you never ate before.

– Travel abroad. Travel locally. Find a festival you never went to before. Get away from the mundane familiar and see new places.

– Dive inward to the unknown. Use Intuition Coaching to develop a sense of how to listen to the voices guiding you away from the suckiness.

– Volunteer with refugees to help them practice English and learn about why life sucked enough for them to move here.

– Find a picture book from a realm unknown to you in time, culture, or mindset and spend time pondering how people live different lives.


– Let go of love being about romance or partnership. Love anyone or anything with joy (and healthy boundaries).

– Volunteer to help other’s lives suck less. Choose something that you actually like to do so it does not add to the suck.

– Love yourself enough to be gentle when you have a sucky day, week, month or year. Experience messages of self-compassion in a personal tarot reading.

– Find a friend you love and make plans together. Meet new friends through going out and doing activities you love with a local meetup group.

This is a short list for a long subject. I welcome you to reach out and share what your own techniques are to help life suck less.

Live Well,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

Photo courtesy of

Train Your Brain for the Long Game

With the advent of smart phones, it has become easy to get addicted to what is called ‘cheap dopamine’. We get a little mini high from scrolling through short videos.

The algorithms feed into this, giving creators more benefit from making their content shorter and shorter. It is now recommended for us to make reels on Instagram that are only 7 – 15 seconds.

The issue is that this feeds our brains a reward for jumping from one subject to the next. Puppies! War! Celebrity gossip! Comedy! Anger!

We get a ‘cheap dopamine’ high from this habit. Like sugar, the more we feed on it, the more we desire it.

So I am proud to share that this month, I accomplished a goal of a tarot lesson that combines movie archetypes and tarot.

It took me over 30 hours to create in many sessions where I had to choose to sit down and write, then edit, then prep tech tools and lights, then film, find clips, then edit, then edit, then edit some more.

When we stay vigilant on a long-term, self-motivated goal, it can be very disconcerting and even physically uncomfortable at first.

Over time, our brain gets the “real dopamine” of meaningful accomplishments, and final completion gives us a deeply satisfying continual flow.

I got to enjoy this quality of dopamine this week as I got a wonderful response from my community who enjoyed the video and shared it and messaged me to share what they liked about it. So I am also now high on the love drug of oxytocin.

If you have seen the film Poor Things, please enjoy my video essay, Poor Things Explained: Through the Tarot Lens. 

It just won 4 Oscars for it’s outstanding art designs and for Best Actress, so I am not alone in my love of it.

Spoilers alert! If you have not seen Poor Things yet, please add my video to your watch later list and see the film first. It is currently streaming on Hulu in the US. It’s weird with a lot of sex scenes, so not for family movie night.

If you enjoy strange and insightful films that question the norms of society, then I hope this might inspire you to watch Poor Things and then check out my interpretation afterward. 

What about you?

What is one of your personal goals that you want to put effort into this month?

Which part of your day can you begin making a choice to add working on a long goal into your routine?

Let’s talk about which of your long-term goals are most meaningful and figure out a path toward them during a personal tarot reading together.

Use Intuition Coaching to develop a sense of how to tune into the part of your mind that knows where to focus yourself from a psychic place.

If you like the style of teaching in the video, sign up for a Tarot Reading Lesson. Bring a friend along to split the cost at no extra charge, and more friends for only $10 extra per person.

Keep On Keeping On,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

Spoiler Alert! Add this to your watch later list until you see the film first!

Tarot reading for International Women’s Day

Tarot is a field that has a very female lineage. There are readers of all genders, but women have carried this art form through the centuries to modern day.

When I went to my first NW Tarot Symposium conference, I was surprised to find the unique culture that comes with this women-led industry.

There is a collaborative mindset of sharing our gifts and celebrating each other’s wins.

We support each other’s businesses.

We listen to other’s card interpretations with open minds and questions, even if we debate some concepts. 

Male readers are quite enthusiastic to enact these values as well. Truly secure men enjoy their feminine side as much as women can enjoy our healthy masculine side.

This community makes me proud to be a reader. My local community outside the tarot industry also presents joy in uplifting our feminine powers. I hope today you consider how you would like to enact positive change in this direction of your own community.

I am grateful to be in this era where much progress has been made through societies around the world recognizing women’s values more and more. 

We know there is still much work to be done. The reading today focuses on that, scroll down to learn more and then consider how to activate your best future with a personal tarot reading with me.

Or, experience how Intuition Coaching is a form of empowerment to deepen your own relationship with your higher self. Sign up today to step inward more deeply.

Access this art form yourself when you learn the cards in a Tarot Reading Lesson. Bring a friend along to split the cost at no extra charge, and more friends for only $10 extra per person.

Relish Your Feminine,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot

Very Feminine Deck: Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein

Two powerful female figures top this reading with a message about listening closely to our own minds and speaking our truth in a way that is well thought out and cuts through the BS with a sharp knife and adept timing.

The Queen of Swords is wise and mentally centered. She meditates and reads and listens well. She also can smell a lie (or a gaslight) like a fart in a car.

She calls out what she sees, and is able to say it in a way that the receiver can hear the message clearly. She cuts right to the core of truth, but with an eloquent tongue that people tune into.

The High Priestess listens to her own intuition and supports the Queen of Swords with right timing. She feels the rhythms of the cosmic flow to align messages that integrate with the beat of those she wants to impact the most.

The High Priestess reads the room, and leads people by leaving some room for mystery that they need to fill in with their own wisdom. She can get them to think it was their idea.

These two are supporting the cause of the Ten of Pentacles, which is about carrying forth traditions we hold dear and increasing our collective wealth.

The Queen of Wands reversed is asking us to not be hasty or fierce in how we approach this long-term goal. It’s about using our head and our wisdom, it is not bulldozing forth out of impatience.

The Seven of Pentacles says that our efforts will bear great bountiful fruits, but it is not quite harvest season yet. Don’t require results immediately. Bide your time and know that your most clever approach will have a big pay off in the end.   

Get a full reading with Jenna to determine your own most astute strategy forward in your pursuits.

Best of Luck in All Your Efforts for the Greater Good of All!

Drink from the Cup

Some weeks are more of an emotional journey than others.

We are in the midst of Pisces season, and in honor of my fabulous fishy friends, I want to talk about the Cups suit and our feelings.

The Cups Suit is about water. This element relates directly to the heart as a center of emotions and spirituality.

Water flows with gravity and finds it’s way to the ground. It’s incredibly powerful in this insistent path and cuts through rock to create canyons over time.

Our own hearts are the same element. Big feelings can be contained temporarily, but they will carve through to freedom, often becoming a churning eddy that bursts forth when time and circumstance set them loose.

In my experience, this can end up happening at inopportune times. I am so grateful for the stranger on the NYC bus who held my hand while I openly wept about my cat. And all the others who were in the right place at the right time to nurture my tears unexpectedly.

I hope we can normalize public crying for all of us, but I also want to self-care better so I don’t get embarrassed in a business meeting.

That’s why it’s so essential to tend to your watery heart and let it’s feelings flow forth. The only way over is through.

Today, I offer you a short practice to give yourself space to feel.

Sit or lay down, bring your knees to your chest, and place one hand on your heart.

Breathe and feel your heart center for a minute or five.

When you feel ready, ask your heart, “What sadness has been dismissed lately that I can welcome today?”

See if anything arises, and then go through with the same question, changing the word sadness to joy, shame, loneliness, anger, etc.

You can also ask what ‘feelings’ have been dismissed, but I find naming different ones calls them forth more easily.

If any arise, get super present with letting them express. Observe how they rise and fall and morph, bubbling through phases.

If expression feels stuck , consider putting on a song that seems to capture the feelings and dance them out. Get weird with your dance, let it come from the body and not the brain. 

When you feel complete, give yourself gratitude for nurturing your heart. Then go for a walk or some natural movement to shake out and reset.

Give yourself a little celebratory reward for the important work you did, no matter what surfaced or didn’t.

I welcome tears and big feelings when you come in for a personal tarot reading with me. Know that it’s a safe space to express. 

Intuition Coaching is about learning to tune in more clearly to your feeling body, and listen to it’s hints and wisdoms that can emerge from emotions. Sign up to start your journey with me today.

Better attune to all the suits that are already within yourself when you sign up for a Tarot Reading Lesson with me.

Hope you get to feel your feelings this weekend.

Love Your Big Heart,

Jenna Lynne Roberts

Present Path Tarot